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What you need to know about a motor vehicle accident and acupuncture: PIP and Med Pay
What is PIP?

PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection. It is a type of motor vehicle insurance that provides for medical expenses and lost wages, or can provide a death benefit in fatal incidents.  All Florida drivers are required to carry PIP coverage for themselves. 


As of January 1st, 2013, massage and acupuncture are no longer covered by PIP.*

(Florida No-Fault Statute 627.736)

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What is Med Pay?

Med Pay is an optional coverage. It is designed to cover medical treatment after motor vehicle accident injuries and pays 100% of your out of pocket medical bills up to a certain coverage limit.


All reasonable medical expenses, including acupuncture, will be covered.  MedPay is generally available at the coverage levels of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, and $50,000.

Common car accident Injuries that can be treated by acupuncture


・Low back/neck injuries

・Wrist/shoulder injuries

・ankle/knee/leg injuries



・TBI (traumatic brain injuries)


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